Ask The Teacher . . . Who is Patanjali?

Question:  In some of your classes, we chant the Prayer to Patanjali. Who is Patanjali and why is he so important? Answer: Patanjali is best known for the Yoga Sutras. The Yoga Sutras are short, compact aphorisms (concise statements, containing a truth) of practical and philosophical wisdom that were first created 5,000 years ago. The Sutras were…

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Ask The Teacher . . . What Is A Bandha?

You may have heard the word “bandha” associated with many yoga practices and wondered what that word means. Setu Bandha, Mula Bandha, and Jalandhara Bandha are a few examples. Jalandhara Banda is taught specifically as a breathing (Pranayama) practice. However, this lock is created naturally in some yoga postures that you do regularly in class like Setu Bandha (bridge…

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