Ask The Teacher . . . What Are the Benefits of Restorative Yoga?


Ask The Teacher . . . What Are the Benefits of Restorative Yoga?


 I really enjoy your new Wednesday night restorative yoga class, but besides being restful, how do these postures affect my health?


The postures we do in the class are adaptations of classic yoga postures, except you are supported by props such as chairs, blankets, blocks and the wall.

When you are supported you do not use energy to get energy; you place yourself in a position to receive energy. Restorative postures are a proactive way to build stores of energy that can prevent exhaustion and pave the way to sustainable health.

Restorative postures release tension and improve circulation of the blood to your organs and glands. Because you stay longer in each pose in a restorative class, the action reaches deep into the nervous system.

Continued practice can undo chronic tension patterns and improve immune function.

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